All-On-4 Implants – What Are They and Can They Work for You?

The technology behind All-On-4 Implants(aka AO4s), though available for over a decade, was little known, which gave plenty of time to work through any teething problems – pun intended!

Multiple implant placement has been around for a while, but it’s the concept of how many teeth they can support which has changed.  For those suffering periodontal disease, AO4s offer the next best thing to natural teeth. There is the added bonus in that tooth decay becomes a thing of the past. Having said that, it is advisable to take meticulous care of the new implants and have regular, professional cleaning done on the All-On-4s.

With medical and scientific advancements, the populace is living longer, but with a diet heavy in refined sugar and fast foods, tooth decay is ever on the increase. That means that more and more people have need of permanent teeth in the long-term. All-On-4 implants are proving invaluable in many such instances.

What Are All-On-4 Implants?

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Being a breakthrough technology and surgical technique, AO4s replace the whole arch of teeth, whether on the lower or upper jaw – or both. To do a full mouth of traditional implants in both the upper and lower jaw could require some 8 – 10 implants per jaw and many visits to your friendly dentist.

The All-On-4 implants mean just four implants per jaw which serve as the main anchors to which the denture is attached. AO4 implant surgery almost halves the time factor in comparison to the traditional implant method.

Q – What is the difference between All-On-4® implants and dentures?

A – The traditional full set of dentures are teeth set into a plate custom-made to the patient’s gums and roof of the mouth. The dentures are fully removable. As the gum shrinks, such dentures may become loose-fitting and may frequently fall out.

All-On-4® implants are also an option in the case of needing to remove all the natural teeth. They remain in the mouth permanently and are treated like natural teeth. The roof of the mouth is not covered as is the case with full dentures.

Are All-On-4 Implants Suitable for Everyone?

First and foremost, we need to understand that replacing missing teeth is important. Missing teeth lead to gum recession, bone degeneration as well as further tooth loss. A prerequisite though would be that our general and immune system health is good.

AO4s may not be recommended in certain cases of cancer, blood-clotting disorders, uncontrolled diabetes, pregnancy or drug abuse. Until the age of eighteen, the jaw is still growing, so age does matter. Depending on the overall health of older patients, AO4s can and have been fitted in patients in their nineties!

Having said that, the suitability of All-On-4® implants depends primarily on our oral anatomy and condition, which has to be professionally evaluated.

 What Are the Pros and Cons of All-On-4 Implants?

The Pros:

  • The American Academy of Periodontology states: “With conventional dentures, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth roots begins to resorb (deteriorate). Dental implants integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep the bone healthy and intact,” which is a surprising bonus.
  • Because All-On-4 Implants use titanium, which has unique properties that fuse it to the bone over time,  it is not dissimilar to the roots of our natural teeth.
  • There is good clinical evidence that All-On-4 implants last (trouble-free) for decades.

The Cons:

  • In the case of weak jawbones, additional dental work may be required.
  • As with any surgery, there is the discomfort of bleeding and swelling and the risk of infection.
  • At times, predominantly due to bone density issues, poor nutrition, and oral care and the habit of smoking, A04 implants might not integrate with the jawbone.

In conclusion, just imagine the next time you bite into something delicious on the menu and nothing moves or hurts. All your teeth fit together perfectly, your bite is neat, and the pressure equally distributed around your mouth. For anyone with a history of dental problems, All-On-4®implant technology is nothing short of a dream come true.

All-On-4®implants involve very complex dental procedures. It may well be that many dental offices are offering the procedure and may even have numbers to back their claim to having performed AO4s. But it’s one thing to be capable of performing the surgery and quite another to be able to do it well. Be sure to use a reputable dental team to rehabilitate your oral situation.

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