What does root canal treatment involve?
Root canal treatment may require more than one session, depending on how severe your dental problem is and the type of tooth in question. Between appointments, your tooth will be covered and temporarily restored.
We first take an x-ray to accurately check the root canals of your tooth and make sure there are no signs of infection in the surrounding bone. We plan your treatment, letting you know in more detail what is involved at each stage.
We place a rubber sheet around your tooth to keep it dry during treatment. We carefully remove the infected pulp, using local anaesthetic to minimise your discomfort. We then flush the root canals with an antibacterial solution to thoroughly clean them.
We use special tiny instruments to shape the root canals before washing them again to remove any lasting debris. We then fill them with a rubber compound material to seal the tooth and prevent any bacteria from entering and causing further infection.
The treated root canal is sealed with a permanent filling. In most cases, we’ll recommend a crown or partial crown to reinforce the tooth and prevent potential fractures. This will also restore the tooth’s natural shape and function, providing a beautiful and durable solution.
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