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Inlays and Onlays

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Superior protection for damaged teeth

Inlays and onlays, also known as indirect fillings, can be used to restore areas of decay or damage that are too extensive to be treated with a normal filling. They are a long-lasting restorative solution and can provide a less invasive, more affordable alternative to a crown. An inlay is cemented within the cavity and an onlay covers more of the tooth for when the repair needs to fully cover the biting surface.

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Why have an inlay or onlay?

  • Tailored to fit
  • More of the healthy tooth is preserved
  • Easier to keep clean
  • Protect and strengthen the tooth
  • More durable and stable than fillings

What does the treatment involve?

Firstly, we remove any areas of decay or old fillings and carefully clean your tooth.

We take images and impressions of your tooth, which are used by a dental laboratory to create your custom-made inlay or onlay. The accurate impressions mean it will exactly match the area to be filled.

We fit a temporary restoration on your tooth to protect the prepared cavity between appointments.

When your inlay or onlay is ready, we check it for fit and comfort before fixing it permanently into place using a strong dental adhesive.

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Frequently asked questions

What are inlays and onlays made of?

Inlays and onlays are made from hardwearing materials, including porcelain and composite resin, and if aesthetics is not an issue, gold can be used to provide a particularly durable restoration.

How long do inlays and onlays last?

Inlays and onlays are generally regarded as long-term solutions for restoring your teeth. They are very stable restorations that fit a damaged tooth perfectly, are able to provide superior protection, and withstand stronger chewing forces. Generally, we would expect your inlay or onlay to last a similar number of years to dental crowns. This is usually around 10-15 years, provided you have good oral hygiene and look after your restoration properly.

How do I look after my inlays and onlays?

You care for your inlays and onlays in the same way you would care for your natural teeth. You should brush and floss daily and visit the dentist for routine appointments to ensure your restoration is secure and strong. As the inlay or onlay is tailored to fit, they can be easier to keep clean than other restorations.

Will I be able to eat normally with inlays and onlays?

You should take care when eating immediately after having your inlays and onlays fitted, and should avoid eating hard foods. However, you are able to resume eating as normal after a few days.

What are the benefits of inlays and onlays?

Inlays and onlays offer several advantages, including durability, aesthetics, preservation of tooth structure, and improved bite function. They are more durable than traditional fillings, especially in areas with high stress. Additionally, they can be matched to the colour of your natural teeth, providing a natural-looking restoration.

Appointments 01420 550 616