Toothache – What You Need To Know

Toothache can be the scourge of your dental health, it has been known to afflict countless people across the globe. 

It’s a wickedly sharp, throbbing pain that originates from a tooth, often brought on by the likes of tooth decay, gum disease, or even unfortunate dental trauma. Toothache can range from mild to severe, and its triggers are varied – from piping hot soup to biting pressure, even cold air can set it off! 

Its unrelenting discomfort can leave you struggling with – eating, talking, and even sleeping. Therefore, gaining a firm understanding of the causes and symptoms of toothache is of paramount importance in preventing and treating this devilish affliction.


Toothache can have various causes, including but not limited to:

  • tooth decay
  • infection of the tooth
  • a cracked or damaged tooth
  • a loose or broken filling
  • trauma caused by grinding or clenching teeth
  • infected gums
  • eruption or removal of a tooth 
  • after dental treatment

Toothache occurs due to inflammation of the central portion of the tooth called pulp, which contains nerve endings that are highly sensitive to pain. 

This inflammation is known as pulpitis. The key to relief is identifying the underlying cause of the toothache.


Toothache can be identified by various symptoms such as:

  • sharp
  • throbbing, or 
  • constant pain 

which may worsen with pressure, hot or cold stimuli and last for a few seconds after the stimulus is removed. 

The pain can spread to the cheek, ear, or jaw, and you may also experience:

  • headaches
  • sensitivity to heat or cold
  • bleeding or discharge from around a tooth or gums
  • swelling around a tooth or jaw
  • bad breath
  • fever 
  • swollen glands

Important: If toothache is accompanied by trouble breathing and swallowing, immediate medical attention should be sought. 


Toothaches can be treated both at home and by a dental professional depending on the severity and length of time you have had the pain. 

Home remedies for toothaches include:

  • rinsing with warm salt water
  • using a cold compress
  • taking pain medication
  • using natural remedies such as clove oil, vanilla extract, peppermint tea, and garlic 
  • anti-septic mouthwash such as Chlorhexidine

However, we would recommend getting it checked by a dental professional. At the dental clinic, the team will review your medical history, ask about your symptoms, and perform a physical exam and X-rays. Treatment will depend on the cause of the toothache and can include fillings, root canal therapy, or tooth extraction. In some cases, antibiotics may also be prescribed.


Your tooth was in agony, sleepless nights and cold sweats were no fun at all.

Now you have the information to tackle the problem and hopefully resolve that toothache completely, but the next question is “How do I avoid this in future?”

Here are some tips to prevent toothaches:

  • Brush twice daily 
  • Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from tight spaces
  • Limit sugary foods and drinks as they can lead to tooth decay
  • Drink plenty of water to rinse away sugar and debris
  • Visit a dentist twice a year for a professional cleaning and to catch any developing problems before they cause pain

If you are experiencing a toothache, don’t suffer in silence. 

Book a consultation with one of our experienced dentists at Shine Dental Clinic today. 

We will work with you to determine the cause of your toothache and develop a personalized treatment plan to alleviate your pain and prevent future toothaches. 

Remember, prevention is key, and regular dental checkups are essential in maintaining good oral health. Don’t wait until it’s too late, call us today to schedule your appointment!

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