Why Do Dental Implants Costs Vary So Much?

Just thinking of a dental procedure is enough to cause many people to break out in cold sweat, right? And that’s even before you start dealing with the multiple invoices you’ll receive, since in many countries, unless there’s a serious medical reason that you require them, you’ll need to cover the costs yourself.

Budgeting for an upcoming procedure like dental implants can help minimise the stress. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to gauge what you’ll really end up paying, because dental practitioners’ costs vary a lot. Going with the cheapest option may not be in your best interests. What if a lower cost means lower quality? Let’s clarify the details so you can make informed decisions if you ever need dental implants.

What Exactly are Dental Implants?

Implants are popular because they prevent aesthetic issues such as gum shrinkage that is common with traditional dentures. A dental implant acts like a natural tooth and it’s made of titanium, which ensures longevity.

The first step is to insert the implant into the jawbone. When it has bonded to the jaw, a dentist can attach crowns, bridges and dentures to it.

A common approach is to attach an abutment to the implant that’s in your jawbone and then later a crown that looks just like a normal tooth will be bonded to the abutment. The entire set of procedures can take as long as eight months, since a lot of time is given for the mouth to properly heal before a next step is taken. 

Once the procedures are completed, the implant will feel like a normal tooth and you’ll have full bite strength. This is a huge bonus when you consider that dentures only give around 50% of your usual biting ability. 

What Does a Dental Implant Cost?

There’s no short answer to this question because so many factors play a role in the final cost. The cost is high though because patients pay for both the implant components and they have to cover laboratory costs. 

For starters, there are the costs of the implant itself. Paying for the implant doesn’t include other expenses that form part of the entire process of obtaining your implant. From dentist visits to medication, it all comes at a price. 

Added to this, there’s the challenge of different dental practitioners charging different rates. They also use implants of varying levels of quality. On today’s market there are thousands of options to pick from. But both dentists and patients need to understand that they’re not all of the same quality. Therefore, by picking a cheaper option, you may be getting lower quality components, which isn’t ideal when you’re paying for implants that have to last for years to come. 

Are You Being Overcharged for Your Dental Implants?

You’ll find dental implant quotes that range from just over £1,000 to as much as £3,500. However, procedures like grafts and sinus lifts (see below) do affect the final costs considerably. 

You may think that dental practitioners whose prices are on the more expensive side of the scale are overcharging you, but don’t be too quick to judge. They may simply be using the higher quality parts for your implants and the manufacturers back up their designs with in-depth research.

You may need treatments that some other patients won’t require, resulting in a higher expense for you. To have peace of mind, discuss the nature of the equipment and the process with your dentist. 

Factors that Affect Final Costs of Dental Implants

When drawing up a budget for your set of implants, make sure you consider all possible expenses. The following list gives you a good idea of what to research so you can plan efficiently. 

Components with Relatively Fixed Costs

In the section above, you learnt about the fixture, crown and abutment. The market does have different types that carry different price tags. However, these parts are also the components that dentists can’t really adjust their prices on. 

Quality of Materials

You do need to think carefully about the suppliers of these implants. It’s not worth settling on a cheap set that won’t last or could cause problems along the way. Therefore, work with reputable dentists who can assure you of using respected manufacturers that incorporate quality materials. 

Case Dependent Procedures and Treatments

No two dental cases are the same. There are multiple treatments and procedures that may be necessary to ensure your implant is successful. Your process could include all, some or none of the following:

  • Extracting a tooth, which is an additional expense, not simply part of a consultation.
  • Bone grafts, that are only necessary in some cases for the purpose of ensuring sufficient support.
  • Imaging services that range from X-rays that cost around £30 each, to CAT scans and CBCT scans. For the latter you’ll be charged around £150 for each one.
  • Sinus lift in cases where there isn’t enough room for the implant

How to Budget for Dental Implants

With more insight into dental implants, you can make informed decisions on who to trust with your dental implants. In terms of budgeting, we suggest the following:

  • Ask which company the Dentist uses for Dental implants and also the experience of the Dentist. This too varies massively. Dentist cannot call themselves a Dental Implant specialist but you can check that they have done the correct training. 
  • Discuss the entire process with the dentist and ask which procedures he or she will require for your specific case
  • Find out prices of OTC medication, such as something for pain relief if necessary
  • Ask the dentist if there are any prescribed medications you’ll need
  • Budget an additional amount for unforeseen expenses, from missing a day of work to requiring more pain medication than the average patient

Final Thoughts

Dental implants will simplify your life and you can streamline the process of getting them. Invest some time in finding out about what your process will entail and it will be much less stressful. The team at Shine Dental Clinic is more than happy to assist you with any queries you may have—whether it’s about costs or the practical side of getting your dental implants. And you can be sure we only use quality products for our patients! 

Contact us for a quote or a friendly chat on the topic.  

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